Written Sound
Onomatopoeia Dictionary
Words that sound like the thing they mean: Imitative words. From the Greek "onoma" (name) and "poiein" (to make)


sound of sneezing. More sneezing sounds

human disease


sound of sneezing. More sneezing sounds

human disease


Sound uttered by person choking. Also: awk, gasp, gak

disease eat_drink pain


sound of sneezing. More sneezing sounds

human disease


Sound uttered by a person choking. Also gak, argh, gasp

disease eat_drink pain human animal


vomiting, the sound made while vomiting. Also used a noun meaning "vomit"



to expel air noisily from the lungs, usually to expel fluids that resonate during breathing

human disease


throat-disease with a sharp, barking cough. imitative origin

human disease


to choke

human disease eat_drink animal


Sound uttered by a person choking. Also: argh, awk, gasp

disease pain eat_drink


Sound of a cat coughing up a hairball. More cat sounds

animal eat_drink disease cat vocalization


(pronounced cashel)sound of a rattly, phlegmy cough

human disease crack

lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub ...

Sound of a beating heart. This seems the most common spelling, used in medical texts. Also: dup-dup; ba bum; plop-plop; thud-thud; pop-pop; Sometimes the heart is said to throb and throb is also thought to have imitative origin. (Yahoo Answers, 1, 2)

human disease pounding pump heartbeat


1. long low inarticulate murmur, 2. (less common) word describing the sound of doves (as in "The moan of doves in immemorial elms" in the poem "Come Down, O Maid" by Alfred Lord Tennyson), 3. (less common) the sound of wind (in the poem "the night wind", by Eugene Field: "... For the wind will moan in its ruefullest tone:

human human pain disease weather


to vomit, of imitative origin

human disease


to make an explosive noise to clear the nostrils, probably of imitative origin, see also atchoo

human disease animal


1. sound of coughing, 2. used to indicate the sound of a cough or grunt or to express disgust or horror

human human disease


to breathe with difficulty usually with a whistling sound

human disease animal

whooping cough

an infection of the respiratory system caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or B. pertussis). It's characterized by severe coughing spells that end in a "whooping" sound when the person breathes in

human disease

Search tips:

- Fewer searchterms (eg. cat will yield more results than cat sounds)

- Try synonyms (eg. if saber does not give you results, try sword, cutlass or blade)

- Truncate (eg. walk will give more results than walking because it returns everything that has walk in it including walked and walks)