BAMF in the Marvel comic books represents the sound of X-Men character Nightcrawler when he transports himself. The sound is caused by air rushing into the area where Nightcrawler's body once was
loud sound
the "sound" of light reflecting off shiny expensive objects, such as diamonds. this is a rare example of "non-auditory onomatopoeia". another example: shiiin
(possibly of imitative origin) clown, may stem from allusion to puffing out cheeks as a comic gesture
Sound of a parachute opening ( Pokemon Black and White Vol 7 Kusaka & Yamamoto)
Pronounced "Whin-ems," like a horse's whinny, the Houyhnhnm are a race of intelligent horses in book 4 of Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels
sound of an "implosion bomb". In a classic Uncle Scrooge tale by Carl Barks, Gyro Gearloose invented an "implosion bomb" that sucked up material and compacted it into a neat pile. Intended for litter collection, the Written Sound Effect was "MOOB", explicitly stated to be "BOOM" backwards. TvTropes
1. interjection used to indicate a sudden vanishing: The magician waved a wand, and poof! The birds disappeared! (often with a little cloud of smoke) In this sense poof may be imitative. 2. effeminate man or male homosexual. In this sense poof is not imitative
disturbance, uproar
to make a low heavy continuous sound
Schlikt replaced the usual snikt sound of super hero Wolverine's claws, during the period he was left without the adamantium covering on his bones.
to tear or mark a surface with something sharp or jagged
to make a crunching sound, to crush or crunch, or to crumple or squeeze
the sound of silence (!), as used in manga comics (ref)
to make a shrill sound
"snikt" in the Marvel comic books is the written sound of super hero Wolverine's claws popping. Replaced with schlikt during the period he was left without the adamantium covering on his bones.
A short, irregular curve or twist, as in writing or drawing. Possibly a blend of squirm and wriggle
to squeeze, squash
making a harsh noise
Spiderman web shooter
In Doctor Who comic strips, the sound of the Tardis is represented as vworp! vworp!
the "sound" of someone stealing something. the word is spoken to make obvious or humorous the playful theft of an item in front of others. (e.g. "you shouldn't leave your wallet lying around like that...Yoink!". used often in the cartoon series "the Simpsons")
a shrill humming sound, such as from a bullet or vibrating string. As a verb: to move very quickly, especially while making a high pitched sound. As a noun used figuratively, meaning zest, vitality, or (in cuisine) spicy flavor. In comedy, zing is sometimes used as an interjection to acknowledge a witty comeback. The witty comeback itself is then called a zinger.
Search tips:
- Fewer searchterms (eg. cat will yield more results than cat sounds)
- Try synonyms (eg. if saber does not give you results, try sword, cutlass or blade)
- Truncate (eg. walk will give more results than walking because it returns everything that has walk in it including walked and walks)